PSA Test
PSA Home Test – Only €70
The PSA Test measures the levels of Prostate-Specific Antigen in men. When prostate cancer is present, the PSA levels are typically elevated. This PSA test, then, allows men a simple way to test for the PSA level at home.
Elevated PSA may be a sign of prostate disease, including prostate cancer. However, having a high PSA level does not necessarily mean you have prostate cancer. The PSA test should be used in tandem with other tests, or used to measure PSA levels over time. If PSA levels continue to rise over time, it may then indicate a need for further investigations to be done.
Click the “Let’s Start” button to request a home kit. This test is simple to do in one’s own home and is sent in discreet packaging for your privacy.
Which gender is the test for?
The PSA test is for males only.
What is the PSA test for?
This test is a measure of the level of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) in the blood. Elevated PSA levels are often found in men with prostate cancer. Therefore, when levels are elevated over a period of time, it may indicate a need for further testing.
What is the PSA?
PSA is a substance which is produced by the prostate gland in men. Measurement of PSA levels, when combined with a digital rectal examination, may be useful in determining if further investigation and assessment of the prostate gland is advised.
Why do the PSA test?
Prostate Cancer is the second most deadly cancer for men. The PSA test is not specific or sensitive enough to be useful as a predictor for the presence or absence of prostate cancer. However, knowing your PSA level is useful in measuring trends over time. By repeating this test over several years, a rising trend may indicate the need for further investigation. Therefore, the PSA test is a monitoring test, not a diagnostic test.
Who should take the PSA test?
All men over the age of 40 years.
How is the PSA test done?
It is a finger prick blood test using the kit provided. Then, the sample is posted by you to the Lab.
How will I get the results?
The results will be delivered to your confidential medical file on the website. The results will be assessed by one of our Irish-registered GPs, and if further action is required, he or she will advise you on what steps you should take next.
What if I have high PSA levels?
If you have elevated PSA levels, it may be recommended that you continue to take PSA tests over time in order to measure whether this was an isolated incident or part of a rising trend. If your PSA level continue to climb, you may be referred for a consultation with your local GP or specialist to be tested further through a digital rectal exam (DRE) or other tests.

Dr. Sylvester Mooney
Clinical Director